
Admissions to Reception Class

All admissions are determined by the governing body. A maximum of 30 children will be admitted to Reception class in September 2023, and no Key Stage 1 class will admit more than 30 pupils. For admission in September 2023, children must be four on or before 31st August 2023.

15 January 2023 Closing date for applications. You must apply by this date either online or by returning the paper application form. Any evidence to support your application must be submitted by this date.

16 April 2023 Offer day. If you applied online you can log into your application today to view and respond to your offer. Notification letters will be posted second class today to parents and carers who applied on paper and those who have not been offered one of their preferred schools.

Where there are insufficient places available to meet all parental preferences, priority will be given to applications in the following order:

  1. Baptised Catholic Children who are Looked After Children (Children in the Care of the Local Authority)
  2. Baptised Catholic Children resident in the designated parishes of St. Dominic’s and Holy Name with a brother or sister in the school.
  3. Baptised Catholic children in the designated parishes
  4. Baptised Catholic children living outside the designated parishes with a brother or sister already in the school
  5. Children with a brother or sister already in the school
  6. Baptised Catholic children whose home address is outside the parish 
  7. Children who have not been baptized or received into the Catholic Church who are in the care of the Local Authority
  8. Other children who do not have a brother or sister in the school

If applicants are seeking admission under any of criteria 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 they will be asked to provide evidence that the child has been baptised as a Catholic or has been received into the Catholic church.