

At St Catherine's our History lessons are skills based and knowledge-rich. We have a progression of skills that enables children to build on learning from previous years and make links between different topics. Throughout the year and across the phases, pupils are able to build upon pre-existing learning by revisiting certain areas of study and experience new learning to enable pupils to consolidate new skills and knowledge.
History and Geography units are alternated every half- term, and each unit includes opportunities for wider learning - either with the support of a Box of Delight from the Discovery Museum, experienced visitors holding workshops, trips out of school or other resources and experience days. 
Each unit starts with exploring a knowledge organizer that shows the children their six key pieces of learning, key vocabulary and learning journey through the unit. It is referred back to regularly throughout the unit and used at the end as a quiz to assess the children's learning and understanding. 
Each History unit builds upon the children's historical knowledge and provides them with opportunities to write like a historian, build on existing skills and understanding to ensure that learning is progressive and continuous.