
Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

We hope you enjoy looking at our class page.

Our teacher is Mr Seville
We are supported by Mrs Behrendt

Mr N Seville

Welcome to Year 6

Hello and welcome to Year 6. I just wanted to formally introduce myself: I am Mr Seville and this is my fifth year at St Catherine’s; we are lucky to have Mrs Behrendt working with us in Year 6.


Routines are typically the same to when the children were in Year 5. Firstly, I expect all children to line up outside on the main yard to the right of which where they lined up in Year 5. Children should be lined up by 8:40 and I will collect the children expecting them to head straight in with the children putting their coats in the cloakroom.


Children have a PE slot on a Tuesday as well as swimming 


.Each week you will get a piece of homework in both Maths or English in homework books. Homework will be given on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. Included with this homework will be weekly spellings with the aim of having a spelling test on Friday. Additionally, the learning of times tables is imperative and so I encourage children to practise tables every night for at least 10 minutes in preparation for a times table test on Friday.   


Reading records are sent out every day and children to bring them into school each day aswell.  The children are expected to start taking ownership in regards to their reading. They will be doing this by providing their own summaries of what they have read that night, writing short character/setting descriptions or providing written responses to why characters have acted a certain way in the passage they have read. This will be checked by myself and or Mrs Behrendt.  

 There is a greater expectation on home learning this year as it prepares children for the next step into secondary school. 


In Year 6 you can expect lots of rewards for the hard work that you put in. You can be rewarded with:

  • House points
  • Well done assembly – also on a Friday, children from Year 6 will be recognised for their hard work in the KS2 well done assembly.
  • ‘Star of the week’ – everyone has the opportunity to be a star of the week in either Maths, Writing or Reading and are selected every Friday. Keep an eye out to see if your child is one of our stars.
  • ‘Star of the day’- a star of the day will be selected and will have the opportunity to sit on a lovely comfortable cushion based on their efforts from the previous day.
  • Reading draw- if your child reads every day and has written in their reading record can be entered into the reading draw on Fridays and has an opportunity to win a prize for their effort.


We will assign a classroom job to each child, some will be paired and some individual. You need to be very mature and responsible in your job role. Jobs will be changed throughout the year to ensure everyone has the chance to try at least one job.  

There are additional responsibilities for year 6 children and expectations placed on them. These will be reinforced throughout the first few weeks of the first term. Those responsibilities being that they are the figured head of the school, the model for behaviour and what is expected of how children prepare for learning are all imperative during the children’s final year at St Catherine’s. 

As in previous years, children will also be expected to be fantastic ambassadors of the school on any and all trips, and assist any new or younger children when needed.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. I am usually free after school from 3:20 to 3:45 except for Wednesdays when we have a staff meeting. If there is anything you would like to talk about privately let me or the office know and we can arrange for a more private place to talk.

I look forward to working with you and your child, as a team, to ensure they enjoy their time in Year 6, further their knowledge/understanding, and strengthen their spiritual belief.

Best Wishes,

Nathan Seville & Joanna Behrendt